Moltkerei Werkstatt • Moltkestr. 8 (im Hinterhof) • D 50674 Köln
Sunday 07 October 2018
15:00h -17:30h

if you want to participate please send me an email:
participation fee (material costs): 6,- €

A workshop where participants will build small electro-mechanical solo drum machines from single DC motors and small circuit boards. The workshop will experiment with different kinds of sounding materials (metal pieces, stones, springs, paper, etc), where the machines will oscillate freely and develop their own individual sound quality. Once built the machines will be used to explore fundamental musical structures.


1. Version)

ATmega328 motor control unit
a simple button record & playback unit
code based on the recordAndPlaybackAtRate sketch by MrGrok
arduino sketch(zip)

circuit layout diagram



2. Version)

ATtiny85 motor control unit
a simple button record & playback unit (not as precise as the previous circuit)
arduino sketch(zip)

circuit layout diagram:
